Tomorrow February 4th is World Cancer Day, a global health awareness day. World Cancer Day aims to prevent millions of deaths by raising awa...
Since March 2021, Aidian Oy has been the new owner of Mediphos Medical Supplies BV and Mediphos Diagnostics Belux BV. We are happy to announ...
After a couple of quiet flu seasons dominated by COVID-19, many countries have seen a steep rise in cases of common colds, influenza A&B, re...
Rapid point of care testing for supporting treatment decision making When time is critical in various healthcare settings, rapid point of c...
Group A Streptococcus (GAS) pharyngitis is a common cause of bacterial pharyngitis in school aged children. Strep A can cause many different...
Nu när 2022 går mot sitt slut vill vi tacka alla våra kunder, affärspartners och kollegor. Vi önskar er en avkopplande och fridfull julhelg ...
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global health threat that has already reached alarming magnitude. Aidian takes part in supporting ...
New INR meter from iLine microsystems has now received the CE mark. This modern meter is intended for professional healthcare, and it is u...