On the 18th of February 2022 the Swedish investment company Nordstjernan signed the agreement to acquire Aidian Oy and it will be effective ...
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has gained less attention during the COVID-19 pandemic, although its role as one of the leading global health...
Recently published study by Refaai et. al assessed the performance of the microINR system in patient self-testing (PST). Vitamin K antagonis...
Immediate actions are required to decrease the global burden of antimicrobial resistance A recent study published new estimates about the b...
Upper respiratory tract symptoms including acute pharyngitis are the common symptoms of COVID-19, with a reported incidence of about 5% – 17...
U.S developed Nova Biomedical's Stat Profile Prime Plus® blood gas analyzer delivers a 24-test blood gas, electrolyte and metabolite panel i...
När 2021 går mot sitt slut vill vi tacka alla våra kunder, affärspartners och kollegor. Trots att COVID-19 pandemin fortfarande är bland oss...
Pharyngitis, or sore throat, is a leading cause of outpatient care and can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Viral pharyngitis do...