Interview: QuikRead go CRP+Hb testing at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Mexico
The Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez (HIMFG) is one of the most important and valued pediatric hospitals in Mexico City. The hospital was founded in 1943 and it is recognized not only for the high level of specialization of the doctors but also for being an important teaching hospital with a dedicated section for the investigation of pathological conditions in infants. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is under the management of the Neonatologist Dr. Raul Villegas Silva.
The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) started using the QuikRead go instrument in February 2020. After two months and approximately 100 CRP + Hb tests, Dr. Villegas Silva was interviewed about his opinion on the performance of the test and the QuikRead go instrument.
Q. For which patients are you using the CRP+Hb test?
A. Only for neonates, the age can vary.
Q. Which are the main indications for the CRP testing?
A. CRP is measured under suspicion of sepsis.
Q. How do you use the CRP results?
A. When the value is higher than 7, we consider the possibility of sepsis.
Q. For which purpose you measure hemoglobin?
A. To identify anemia.
Q. What are the benefits of having a point of care CRP test in your unit?
A. The central laboratory runs CRP tests only from Monday – Friday until 16:00 hours. Having this test near the patient gives us the chance to analyze samples according to our needs. Measuring CRP is also important for avoiding the abuse of antibiotics.
Q. What are the benefits of QuikRead go CRP+Hb?
A. The sample volume (20 µl) makes the testing less invasive for the patients. The instrument is free of maintenance and calibrations, and results are available in two minutes.
Q. What do the other users value in QuikRead go CRP+Hb?
A. The instrument and tests are used by other doctors in the unit. They appreciate the easiness of use.
Click here for more information about the hospital
Click here for more information about QuikRead go instrument and tests